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We are a full service, independent, local advertising agency. We work like a boutique and serve tailor made. We believe that the idea is always the king. And behind the idea, there is ‘creative strategy’, which is our another differentiation point. That’s how we grow our brands. We don’t call ourselves as a conventional or a digital agency. Once you have a creative strategy and its idea, then you’ll see how it works in every medium.
Movida is founded by Durin Ababay and Visal Cumali in 1990. After Oguzhan Akay’s - who is a well known Turkish advertising master- joining in 1994, the agency took the name Movida Plus MAP. In 2018 Emrah Akay came to Movida. And the new name of the agency became Come to Movida, and the agency has gained a new strength and depth.
1st graduate from MÜGSF Graphic Arts. She is in the advertising industry since 1994 and worked for agencies like Marka, Lowe, ATCW and McCann. Has many awards including the first launch of ‘Omo, Dirt is good’ campaign. Hard worker, the art pillar of the agency
Leo Burnett origin, experienced hard worker. Shareholder. Have strong senses, knowledge and attention for her brands. An organization expert. A good manager. The hard disk - the memory of the agency.
Moustache. One of the well known names in Turkish Advertising Industry. Movida origin. Led creative teams in Cenajans Grey, Güzel Sanatlar Saatchi & Saatchi, Leo Burnett and MullenLowe. The man behind dozens of well known campaigns. Worked for hundreds of brands such as Turkish Airlines, FIAT, Unilever (Omo, Clear), Samsung, Siemens, McDonald’s, Sutaş, Denizbank, Vestel. Has more than 100 awards from global and local award festivals like Cannes Lions, Epica, New York Festivals, Golden Drum, Eurobest. He has a book on philosophy and a music album.
Old journalist. One of the ex writers of legendary Nokta Magazine. Law expert. TV series producer. But most of all an adwoman. Persuasion master. An angel in human form.
One of the well known creative coaches of Turkish advertising sector. From legendary Ajans Ada school, and Güzel Sanatlar. He has too many hats. A man of letters with 9 books. TV and radio programmer. Columnist. Founder and Honorary President of Advertising Creators Association. Postgraduate and masters class educator.
Former partner of 5px Digital. Trained in advertising in brand communication and 3 university graduates. Experienced in e-commerce, software, purchasing, retail industry. Award-winning golden spider. SHe is also an original painter and artist.